Bram Wiratma
System Programmer
Surabaya, Indonesia

Illustration by
Rachel Suen

Dear Me,

Life is rough, life is tough. You may already experiencing her bitters from the bad luck, hard decisions, and failures. Of course, you've also already experienced what we might call the battlefield of life. But just like night never lasts forever, so does that bitterness.

Life is sweet, life is joyful. For what you have now, give thanks. Be it angry parents, deadly foes, or a sweet girlfriend give thanks. They have shaped you to be the way you are now.

You have a great destiny ahead of you. Even if storms still lurk over the road ahead, it will be a great journey. Who made it great ? The Father All-Mighty who watches every steps of our life did. He also chose you to become the traveler. So walk along, stop for a while if you feel you need it. It's your journey. Why did He make you the traveler ? He needs you to become the storyteller and the bringer of hope. In the end, everything is about you and Him. So do your best while caring for others, without listening to any negative comments.

Our lives will always be for the people -family, friends, coworkers, or just even someone you meet during the day- but never forget that you are the traveler of a great destiny. Grow to be wise, grow to be more understanding, and grow to be a braver man. Grow to be more than me now and claim your victory over our despair !

And let me tell you this to end this letter : do good, enjoy life the way you want, hold a belief to your values like it's your breath, think cool and be the best of yourself. After all, we're humans. We're supposed to be imperfect, but we never supposed to be an eternal loser.

